AirFly Pro Bluetooth Transmitter for Travel (Product Review)

Twelve South’s Airfly Pro Bluetooth transmitter is a handy little device for being cord-free on a plane. The device plugs into the auxiliary jack receiver near the monitor and then sends a bluetooth signal to your headphones of choice.
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Having very limited real estate to maneuver around is one of the challenges of flying. The cord to your headphones can get in the way of putting down the tray for meals and getting in and out of your seat for bathroom breaks.
How to use the Airfly Pro Bluetooth Transmitter
To use the Airfly device, you will need to pair it with your bluetooth enabled headphones by pushing the pairing button on both devices. I have successfully paired my Apple AirPod Pros and my SkullCandy over the ear headphones. I completed the pairing process at home before I ever got on a plane. When you are actually on the plane and plug in the AirFly into the auxiliary jack and turn on your headphones, it will remember the pairing and the audio should start.

On one flight the headphones weren’t producing audio and with all my tech support knowledge I toggled a little button on the Airly Pro and the audio began working. There are instructions that come with the device that probably explained this functionality but I’m a more plug it in and see what happens kind of person. I have used the AirFly multiple times since I purchased them and other than that one time they have worked seamlessly.
I always charge my Airfly before a trip and I have yet to have it run out of juice before I make it back home after two long haul flights. You won’t take up much space in your luggage for this little guy as it is very light and about the size of a five piece stick of gum.

AirFly has a couple of different models of these devices now, ranging from $35 to $65. The Airfly Pro I purchased around Thanksgiving 2022 was $54.99 but after a Black Friday deal I paid $47. I purchased it directly from Twelve South, but you can also pick one up from Apple.
After having used the Airfly Pro bluetooth transmitter for a couple years, I would be very sad to get on a long haul international flight without it.